Monday, December 18, 2006

Seven Days Left

It is that time of year again for lots of people. There is going to be a lot of activity taking place between today and the 25th. Hopefully, it will be a day you look forward to seeing for whatever reason it may be. Having said that, just make sure you take some precautions.

If you are traveling, especially by driven vehicle, please make sure to leave at a time that will help you avoid the holiday traffic. It is not the cars you need to be concerned about, but the people driving them. Don't drink and drive, or use substances that will affect your judgment while you are driving. Money is not all important. If you can't buy something to show your love or appreciation for someone, give that person a call, mail a letter, send a card, or in this day and age, email or text the person. Try not to gorge yourself on holiday foods. If you are going to be at a place with lots of food, there are bound to be leftovers. Not everyone is going to have a picture perfect holiday. So if there is someone in a less than favorable position, see if you can help that person's holiday be a little better. Remember, money is not all important. You'd be surprised what a visit, or a show of kindness can do.

Have a safe and happy holiday!!!

Monday, December 11, 2006


The title is not what it appears to be. There are good changes, and there are bad ones. It has been an amusement park ride for our sites so far this year. They've seen the good, the bad, and the ugly. Fortunately, it was the bad and the ugly that showed what made the good so good. That is where the "changes" will come into play.

First, we are going back to our original hosting company, the mighty Big Horn Enterprises, also know as BHE. BHE is a trusted American and family-owned company that is run by some down home folk. Being as I used to live in the same wholesome State they do, I know our sites will be in good hands, hands that won't be handing over their company to an overseas corporation.

There will be downtime, but when the sites come back up, we will make sure you can still log in, even if we have to get you new usernames and passwords.

Second, as we always tell you, we listen to you. Our future shoots will have some of the things you asked for, and things you didn't ask for, but would probably love to see.

Third, we know how much you like to get more up close and personal with the girls, so we are going to make sure we get a new inventory of worn sock, sneakers, and shoes for you. Look for shoes from your favorite girls, and from new girls. As always, the girls will own the shoes, they will not be props or shoes bought at a yard sale (yeah, some cheap webmasters that run fake foot fetish sites do that).

Fourth, if you haven't noticed, we redesigned the homepage for Planet of the Arches and Workout Girls Feet. It doesn't have that professional porn site look, but as you know, it's not what's outside a site that really matters. As Obi Wan Kenobi said, "Your eyes can deceive you, don't trust them".

That is all for now. Thank you for being our fans!!!

Monday, December 04, 2006

Three Year Anniversary

This month is very special for us. It marks our third year of being part of the foot fetish community! We would like to thank the many of you who have been with us since day one. Yeah, you remember day one. For those of you who don't let me take you on a trip down memory lane.

Our first Planet of the Arche site was extremely amateurish in design. The homepage had a pencil drawing of a high-arched foot on a pedestal. That foot was a combination of Brittney Skye's feet mixed with the foot of a Leg Show magazine model. Yours truly drew that foot. The idea came from a friend of mine in Seattle whom I met online. I came up with the foot, and he came up with the pedestal. The site was designed in Frontpage, and used the Frontpage photo gallery feature for the pictures. Speaking of pictures, they were all 5.4 megabyte monsters because I knew nothing about optimization. Oh yeah, we didn't have a decent image editor, just Photo Impression, a program that included on a CD that came with our first HP scanner (HP 4470 followed by a HP 5470c). There was another reason the files were that large, the images came from CDs that CVS made when it converted our 35mm negatives into "digital" images. I had no idea CVS's lab scanned the negatives to CD. The prints came out great, but the scanned images were less than stellar. It degraded the quality, henceforth the initial quality fans saw.

The site had video, believe it, or not. All video came from a 1.3 megapixel StyleCam Pro camera. It recorded in .avi format without sound. It would record as long as the battery power held and as long as there was memory on the secure digital memory card. Originally, we only used a 32 megabyte card. Later, we upgraded to 64. Clip lengths ranged from a few seconds to close to a minute. Wanting to get in on the membership system, we used Paypal for subscriptions and billing. Later, Paypal deemed the site "adult", stopped processing, and froze those funds for 180 days. That was OK. The site had a large fan base, and fans knew they could easily reach the site owner.

We moved the site to BHE, got a cool redesign, and continued to progress. Later, we obtained an image editing program, upgraded to a digital camera and camcorder. The next site we started was Biker Girls Feet. In theory, the idea was good, but the site never took off. Our next site, King of the Heel, had everything Planet of the Arches offered, plus a lot more. It started slowly, and soon held its own. A new idea came to mind, and soon, Workout Girls Feet came forth. That site was a hit from the start. Eventually, we redesigned Planet of the Arches, and moved it to the same server as King of the Heel and Workout Girls Feet. So the series was complete. It was the perfect trilogy, reminiscent of Star Wars. As George Lucas did, we eventually remade all three sites, so check the changes when you can.

Although its been three years, much to learn we still have. Thank you for being our fans. May the Foot be with you...always.